Percentage Calculator - Calculate Percentages

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Calculating the percentage of a number
% of =
What percentage of "a" is "b"
for =
Add percentage to number
+ % =
Subtract the percentage from the number
% =
What is the percentage increase/decrease
to increased/decreased by


First calculator copy code

Second calculator copy code

Third calculator copy code

Fourth calculator copy code

Fifth calculator copy code


Save 1 Save 2 Save 3 Save 4 Save 5
Calculate Tip USA standard 15-25%, UK & AU 10-15%
Bill + tip =
Calculate price before discount
$ after discount % = $ before discount
Calculate the price after discount
$ with discount % = $
Calculate the price before the increase
$ after increase % = $ before increase
Calculate the price after the increase
$ with increase % = $
Convert fraction to %

= % =

Convert percentage to fraction

% =

How to calculate the percentage of "a" without using a percentage calculator?

For example, if we want to find out what 15% of the number 1235 is, we should perform the following operation according to the formula:

kalkulator procentowy-wzór1


x- percent, in our case 15%

a- the number on which we perform the calculation, in our case it is 1235

Therefore, 15% of 1235 is: (15/100)*1235=185.25

How do you calculate what percentage of "b" is "a" without using a percentage calculator?

For example, if we want to find out what percentage of the number "b" is the number "a", we should do the following:

kalkulator procentowy-wzór2


a- a number that is % of the number b

b- first number

Without using a percentage calculator, how can I calculate by what percentage "a" has increased/decreased in relation to "b"?

The following formula will be very useful in this case:

kalkulator procentowy-wzór3


a- for example, higher purchase price

b- lower purchase price

How do I add a percentage to "a" without using a percentage calculator?

To perform this operation, we need the following pattern:

kalkulator procentowy-wzór4


a- for example the initial deposit amount

b- interest rate

How do I subtract a percentage from "a" without using a percentage calculator?

To subtract % from a number, simply use the formula below:

kalkulator procentowy-wzór5


a- numerical value

b- value expressed as a percentage

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Calculating percentages of a given number

To calculate the percentage of a given number, the percentage should be presented as a fraction and the resulting fraction multiplied by the given number.

Obliczanie procentu z danej liczby (x/100*a) - Kalkulator procentowy Obliczanie procentów Kalkulator %

This operation is highly useful in calculating all types of interest rates and interest rates that we encounter in banks. For example, if we want to determine how much tax we will pay on the turnover obtained in a given month, and additionally we have obtained information that the current interest rate is 18%, it is enough to substitute both the said value and the amount of money earned in a period of one month into the formula.

And so:

Assuming that we managed to accumulate $ 5,000, in the first field of the percentage calculator we enter the current interest rate (18%), while in the second field we enter the earned earnings. Thanks to the available program, we can easily determine that 18% of 5,000 is 900. The result determines the amount of tax that must be paid for the conducted activity in the Tax Office.

What percentage of one number is another number?

To calculate what percentage of the number "b" is the number "a", simply divide "a" by "b", and then convert the resulting fraction into a percentage.

Jakim procentem jednej liczby jest druga liczba (a/b*100) - Kalkulator procentowy Obliczanie procentów Kalkulator %

Another function available in the % calculator allows you to precisely calculate what percentage of one number is another number. In this case, the formula can be used to determine the multiples of specific values. It is primarily used in the case of trade and statistical compilations. To better understand how the formula presented above works in practice, let's use a simple example.

Let's assume that we run a trading and service company whose main business profile is the sale of electronic equipment. In order to determine how sales have improved... or worsened, let's compare the number of computers sold with the number purchased in the previous month.

And so:

This month was extremely good for us, as we managed to sell as many as 182 computers. In the previous month, this value was 83. By entering the numbers listed above into the subsequent fields of our calculator, we will find out that 182 is 219.27% ​​of the number 83 – this is how much more electronic equipment we managed to sell to customers!

By what percentage did number "a" increase/decrease in relation to number "b"

To calculate the percentage by which the number "a" increased or decreased in relation to the number "b", the following operation should be performed.

O ile procent liczba 'a' wzrosła/zmalała w stosunku do liczby 'b' ({[b-a]/a}*100) - Kalkulator procentowy Obliczanie procentów Kalkulator %

This formula can also be used to determine our income, expenses and analyze how beneficial it is for us to run a business, trade currencies or play on the stock exchange. To better explain the idea of ​​this formula to our users, we will use a simple example:

Let's assume that we are playing on the stock exchange. A friend recommended us auctions of a popular fuel company, which on the first day of the month were worth $ 100 per auction. Counting on a quick profit, we bought ten of them, paying $ 1,000. After a few days, the company disclosed data on financial frauds in which the company's president was involved. Upon hearing about this fact, the auction price dropped to $ 60 per item, which is $ 600 for 10 auctions. How can we find out how much money we will lose on our transaction by selling auctions at a given time?

In our percentage calculator, we enter the number 1000 (purchase price) in the first field, and 600 (current price of ten auctions) in the second. The result we get is -40, which means that the value of the auction has dropped by 40 percent.

Add percentage to number

To add a percentage to a number, perform the following operation.

Dodaj procent do liczby (a+{[b/100]*a}) - Kalkulator procentowy Obliczanie procentów Kalkulator %

This function of our calculator will certainly interest all bank account owners who would like to determine how much they can gain on a specific type of deposit that the representatives of the institution encourage to open. If you have the opportunity to take a draft of the agreement home, we recommend making estimates using this equation.

For example:

Let's assume that you have $ 1,000 that you want to deposit into a short-term deposit. It is valid for 1 year, and you are able to earn on it (after deducting all handling costs and fees) 3% of the deposited value.

In such a case, calculating the value that we will receive after 12 months is not a difficult task. Simply enter the value 1,000 (the initial amount deposited on the deposit) in the first field of our calculator, and in the second field specify the interest rate given by the bank, i.e. 3%. The result obtained is 1030, which in turn allows us to calculate that keeping savings for a year on a deposit is a profit of around $ 30 for our wallet. Equipped with this knowledge, you can proceed to finalizing the contract… or look for a more favorable offer.

Subtract the percentage from the number

To subtract a percentage from a number, you need to perform the following operation.

Odejmij procent od liczby (a-{[b/100]*a}) - Kalkulator procentowy Obliczanie procentów Kalkulator %

In the case of the above formula, the situation is very similar to the scenario described in the point above, but here instead of adding a specific percentage value... we subtract it.

This function of our calculator can be used by all people using both bank loans and so-called "payday loans". Let's assume that you decided to borrow $ 2,500 per month to cover the most important current expenses. However, the representative of the loan company informed you that the borrowed amount must be reduced by 15% due to previous unpaid financial obligations.

And so:

In the first field of our calculator, enter the amount that we were initially supposed to receive ($ 2,500), the number of people visiting our website. We plan to further expand the functionality of our calculator. At the moment, you can use it to: calculate the percentage of a given number, determine what percentage of one number is another number, estimate the percentage increase of a given value, as well as subtract or add a given percentage to the initial sum. We hope that using the mathematical tool prepared especially for you will be as intuitive and enjoyable as possible. In case of any questions or doubts - we encourage you to contact the portal administration.

Thanks :)

Thank you for visiting the website! This is where you will find a collection of the most necessary formulas needed to perform important calculations along with explanations regarding their practical application. Especially for you, we have prepared formulas that are most often used by customers of banks, loan companies, investors... and people who need a little support in estimating the funds at their household's disposal. You have probably heard the question many times: "What can mathematics be useful for in life?". For our part, we assure you that in its basic form, it is one of the most important fields of science, which accompanies us almost at every step. Let's take the simplest example - we want to buy our child a modern phone for their birthday. From the advertising leaflets we learned that its initial price was $ 2,000, but due to the sale, the price dropped by 35%. So how do we calculate how much we will pay for a purchase made during the promotion? The easiest way to check it is with our percentage calculator! Thanks to it, mathematics will become not only easy but also enjoyable.

In its current form, the calculator available on our website supports the following equations: calculating percentages of a given number, estimating what percentage of one number is another number, calculating the percentage increase of a given value, and adding and subtracting a given percentage from the initial value. These calculations can be used to determine the new price of discounted goods, as well as to help determine the advantages and disadvantages of a bank account or deposit that we intend to open. The program developed by our administration will probably also help to estimate whether the investment being made or the loan that we want to take from a loan company are currently the most advantageous solutions and how much we can gain or lose on them. We plan to further expand the functionality of our percentage calculator. However, if any of the currently available options cause you any difficulties - please contact our administration to solve the problem and possibly introduce improvements and modifications to the discussed tool.